
FlipPay enables Merchants to send payment requests to Customers, and provide Customers with options on how they want to pay - “pay now” or “pay later”.

Merchants = businesses seeking payment for products/services

Customers = consumers of the business' products/services

The flow of this process and the integration services available are similar to a standard payment gateway.

"Sending a payment request” is a simple process requiring the details of a Customer, the amount requested to be paid and the payment options to provide to the Customer.

Payment requests are generated as unique objects within FlipPay, accessed by Customers via a unique encrypted URL. Merchants can provide this URL to Customers directly, or have FlipPay send to to Customers (using customisable SMS and email services).

When a Customer follows the URL sent to them, they are presented with a payment page rendered to display the details and features of their unique payment request. The Customer can select a payment option, enter any required information and complete their payment, which FlipPay disburses to the Merchant (net of any fees).

Supporting this process are a range of (optional) customisable features to tailor the payment experience, manage payment requests via API or web interface, and manage API access to a Merchant account for external parties.