Getting started (Introducers)

To get started on your integration, make sure you've completed the below steps.

Confirm your Introducer portal access with FlipPay

FlipPay will provide access to the Introducer portal (a web interface), allowing you to login, set up your own Introducer profile, create API users, view enabled products and linked Merchants.

FlipPay will provide separate accounts for the live and sandbox environments.

Create an API user account

Authorised admin users on your Introducer account can create other users - admin, user (web access) or API user. You'll need an API user account to access FlipPay API services - create one, and then view the account to access the authentication token.

Check linked Merchant accounts 

FlipPay will link your account with test Merchant accounts to enable quick testing - contact technical support with specific testing requirements or questions.

Review enabled products

As an Introducer, you're able to create payment requests on linked Merchant accounts using products enabled for your access.

Check the specific integration requirements of those products in your Introducer portal - some products require "product fields" to be supported/provided by your Merchants. If a product enabled for your use has this requirement, the details of these fields is displayed in the Introducer portal. You'll need to factor this requirement in to your integration build.

Decide on the services you need to provide/support

Review the rest of this integration guide to decide which API services you want to build - not all services are required for all use cases, and some services are flexible in how you use them.

Decide on what features you're supporting on your platform for Introducers, what FlipPay API services you need to support you, and how you need to use those services.

Review the API docs

Once you're clear on the above points, review the API docs and grab a Postman collection to give it a shot: