
FlipPay will automatically link an approved Merchant account to the Introducer account who initiated the onboarding request (the Merchant is advised of this during onboarding).

FlipPay will automatically enable products on a Merchant account are agreed to be provided via an Introducer, Introducers do not need to configure this for Merchant onboarding.

Ensure notifications are configured in the onboarding request, so that FlipPay can automatically advise the merchant ID for approved and linked accounts, or confirm requests that have been cancelled. If no notification is configured, the Introducer will need to otherwise manually confirm with the Merchant when their account is approved, and send a separate link request.

Example request to create an onboarding link for a new merchant:

"contactName": "Fname Lname",
"contactEmail": "technical@flippay.com.au",
"sendComms": true,
"notificationUrl": "https://demo.flippay.com.au/api/v1/notification-verify/auth-required",
"notificationToken": "eyJpZCI6IjYwZWU3MzY0ODYwNGY3MmQzOTBmMGNkZCIsIm5hbWUiOi"

Example response from the above request:

"message": "Onboarding request created",
"onboardingId": "OB-1234-5678",
"onboardingRequestUrl": "https://demo.flippay.com.au/payments/60d5a0a2748f61254d199a25"

Example notification when account is approved:

"onboardingId": "OB-1234-5678",
"merchantId": "M-8765-4321",
"applicationStatus": "approved"



  • Contact name and email is required for all new onboarding requests - the recipient will use the email address provided to create a temporary "onboarding account", allowing them to securely save an application form and come back to it later if necessary
  • Notification URLs must be valid URLs, otherwise will be discarded and no notification sent
  • Notification tokens simple bearer tokens inserted in the header of the notification payload sent to the Introducer notification URL - they're optional, enabling Introducers to secure the webhook if desired
  • The "onboardingID" provides a unique reference for a specific onboarding request, and is not the same as a "merchantID"
  • The "merchantID" is created when a merchant account is created and activated (and linked to the Introducer), included in the notification to the Introducer so that platform can reconcile the initial request with the approved account, and enable FlipPay services for the Merchant